
Three For Silver – Modern Man

8. November 2024, 20:00 Uhr

 20,00 26,00

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Artikelnummer: n. v.


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Bilder: Lucas Warford / Three For Silver © CSK-Foto

Vorband: The Sober Company

Three For Silver – Fall Europe Tour 2024


Three For Silver, the ever-mutating project of virtuoso Lucas Warford, is back with a new sound and a new line up. Started in 2013 in Portland, OR, Three For Silver has released five albums, toured all over the world, and never stopped evolving. Their upcoming album, “Modern Man”, will see the band fully embracing their eclectic side as tracks veer from bass shredding sea shanties to classic americana to folk metal ballads with weirder stops along the way.
In that same spirit of the new, the band is bringing a drummer out on the road for the first time ever, presenting a heavier, shreddier, groovier sound than ever before. This band will be grooving and grinding all over central Europe from November to December in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other countries.
In power trio format, Lucas Warford leads the charge with his bass and mandolin, featuring Bex Beloved on violin and vocals, and Mark Powers on the drums.
Though the new album is not slated for wide release till later in 2024, they will be selling physical copies exclusively at these European spring shows. Fans’ only chance to hear it, for now!
For aficionados of Tom Waits, Primus, Nick Cave, and all the old Americana that runs towards the dark and unsettled, Three For Silver represents the new generation of that sound, and throws down a thunderous gauntlet of virtuoso musicianship, darkly beautiful songwriting, and carnival theatrics.

Lucas Warford: vocals / bass /mandolin
Bex Beloved: violin / vocals
Mark Powers: drums


Für alle Freunde der regionalen Rockmusik spielt „The Sober Company“ als Vorband!

„The Sober Company“ ist im Prinzip eine chaotische Gruppe bestehend aus sechs sympathischen Jungs, die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit auf die glorreiche Idee kamen eine Band zu gründen. – Seit Anfang des Jahres 2022 existiert The Sober Company als Newcomer-Band und von Beginn an schreiben die Jungs gemeinsam an ihrer Musik. Gerade arbeitet die Gruppe an ihrem ersten Album, welches genau von diesen einzigartigen, aber doch vertrauten Klängen geprägt sein wird.




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